martes, 27 de febrero de 2007


1. What is the Newton’s Law of Cooling?
Is a law that says that the temperature of an object changes proportionally to the relative temperature that it has. You obtain this change by the differenceof its current surface temperature and the temperature of the environment wereit is. This method is used to calculate the time of death of a person.

2. What variables in your problem correspond with the variables in the Newton’sLaw of Cooling?
The environment temperature that was before and at the moment the body was found.The corpse temperature at the moment it was found.

3. According to this Law, at what time approximately the death happened?
Using the newton’s law of cooling we obtained it was between 8:44 PM and 8:55 PM.

4. How does the room temperature affect the time of death?
By turning the corpse temperature into the environment temperature because whenthe person dies, its temperature starts to decrease or increase until it gets tobe the same as the room temperature so if you use the Newton’s law of coolingyou can obtain the velocity in which the temperature changes then with thetemperature that it has at some time you can determine the time of death.

5. How does an illness (e.g. fever) affect the time of death?
It would be harder to deternmine the time of death because if you had fever thenyour body temperature was high and when you die its hard to determine at whatspeed was your temperature changing because with the fever it remained constantin a high temperature.

6. How exact is the approximation of the Newton’s Law of Cooling forpredicting the time of death?
Well, if the death occurred in a closed room it is very exact but if ithappened outside it would be harder to be precise.

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2007

The process: Second Part of questions

4. What methods are commonly used to find the time of death?
Using body temperature, using rigor mortis, algor motis and by the insects that hatch in the dead body

5. What factors are considered in Algor Mortis?
Respiration, body temperature, and temperature of the environment

6. How does the environment affect the time of death?
By changing the body temperature, turning it as temperature of the environment. Newton’s law of cooling says that it will cool as the temperature it has the body and the temperature that is in the environment.When the body’s temperature changes it makes more difficult to get the exact time of death.

7. What can you tell about the different methods of temperature reading of the body?
Do they make a difference in the results?Some of them are very effective and others are not very exact. The difference they have is that some can be useful just some hours after death, others until the second day like the one of the insects that hatch.

sábado, 17 de febrero de 2007

New team

My new team is the following:

The MACKBrand investigators

>>Math Expert: Kenya Medina
>>Math Expert: Brando Islas
>>Forensic cosa: Clarissa Rivera
>>Journalist: Alejandra Baldenebro
>>Media Expert: Martha Minjares

viernes, 16 de febrero de 2007

Que onda chicos.. les quería comentar que cambie de equipo..
bueno más bien el lópez nos dejabajeo, es un traidor, pero nimodo
ahora estoy con la Marta, la Clarisa y la Baldenebro.
Ahora nos llamamos los MACKBRAND =) sale pues valen mil:*

jueves, 8 de febrero de 2007

ADIVINEN QUE! ya pude entrar a mi blogg!! WOW superr bien eh
estoy super feliz esto es lo mejorr no podia estar sin mi blogg ¬¬ ..
Ah teacher porfavor toma en cuenta que te mande lo de los puestos de cada quien desde el dia que teníamos que ponerlo pero como nó podía entrar a mi blog pues no lo había puesto
pero ya pude =) agradezco su comprensión
Math Expert: Brando Islas
Media Expert: Carlos López
Forensic Scientist: Clarissa Rivera
Journalist: Alejandra Baldenebro

1. What is forensic science?
Is the application of many different science in one science to answer questionslike what, who, where, how, why, when, etc. That are useful for the legal systemand for solve crimes or civil actions related to police cases.
2. What kind of evidence can be collected in a murder case?F
inger prints, tracks, tissues, guns, clothes, different sources of ADN (blood,semen, hair, etc), etc.
3. Why is important to determine the time of death?
To corroborate with the alibis, like in this case, to know if the murder was inthe same place of the murder at the same time the person died.

MAIN OBJECTIVEI think the main objective is to practice our knowledge of calculus in a reallife situation to make math uses more dinamic and entertainig as well asexciting so we can have fun applying what we learned in the course.